Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My press release announcing my candidacy for WECRD Director -

Leanna Whitney, a long-time resident of Mountain Home, has announced she will seek a position on the Board of Directors of the Western Elmore County Recreation District (WECRD). Whitney will face incumbent Director Mollie Marsh in what will be the first contested board election since the formation of the district eight years ago. Whitney was a member of the Idaho House of Representatives from 1986 to 1992 and is employed as Mountain Home City Treasurer, an appointed position she’s held for twenty years. She has three children and one grandson, and in 1998 served as the Chair of the Blue Ribbon Committee, the group formed by Mayor Don Etter to initiate discussions regarding a community center, eventually leading to the formation of the Western Elmore County Recreation District.

In making her announcement, Whitney stated, “I have three reasons for running. First, I want the Recreation District to succeed. I’ve always believed wise use of District dollars could make great things happen in this community. But if the Board stays on its current course I’m concerned there will be a move to dissolve the district. The Board members are dedicated people with good intentions, but they aren’t listening to the growing dissatisfaction of the people who pay the bills. Citizens are entitled to more accountability and more action. By running for the Board, I’m giving the voters a way to change things without dissolving the district.”

Whitney’s second reason for seeking office is a call for accountability. “This is a serious issue. Leaving voters out of the loop, the board raised taxes from $250,000 to $413,000, a budget increase of over 60% in one year. How did they do it? They simply cast a vote and changed the ground rules, moving from a $34.50 per household fee -- which the voters approved when they passed the district -- to a property tax levy, which they never approved. Totally legal, but not totally right. It was a violation of taxpayer trust and plenty of people are justifiably upset about it. What’s more, the building they’re planning – now scaled back to primarily an aquatics center – is very costly to operate and would likely require additional membership fees to cover expenses. So people would be forced to pay property taxes…then pay an additional membership fee to use the facility. I’m not sure everyone realizes that. And I’m not sure that’s a good fit for this community.”

The final reason Leanna filed for the Director’s position is the need for action. “The Board’s basis for building an aquatics facility is ten year old data gathered by the Blue Ribbon Committee. I chaired the Blue Ribbon Committee, and I can tell you the community has done a lot of changing in ten years…so has the kind of recreation kids and adults prefer. The Board has to be willing to change as well. To make an omelet you have to crack a few eggs. We need to crack open the process, engage the community and ensure we build an affordable facility we can be proud of. WECRD should collaborate with the school district, the business community and the City to avoid any duplication of services and make taxpayer dollars go as far as possible. It’s time for some lively community conversations about what serves the most people for the dollars spent. If elected, I’d move to immediately hold town hall meetings and conduct a community survey, so the district does what the citizens want today – not what they wanted ten years ago. Then, for heaven’s sake, let’s put those dollars to use and do some good for our community. People have been paying and paying for eight years, but they aren’t feeling much benefit. They’re struggling in this economy and have a right to be impatient. I think citizens want to be treated with consideration and – most importantly – to see some results. I’m excited to give the voters a choice, and whether I win or not, the District will be better off by having this dialogue.”

I invite all interested citizens to contact me at 590-4440, e-mail at or read my blog at

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