Monday, October 13, 2008

The Resume War...Who has the best qualifications to serve as WECRD Director?

First, let me tell you, I think my opponent Mollie Marsh is a great individual, who has dedicated tremendous time and effort to this community. I respect her and I like her. I just happen to disagree with some of her recent decisions on the WECRD Board of Directors. That’s why I’m running.

As to my background, my great-great grandparents settled in this community in the late 1800’s. It is my community of memory….and I love the people and the place with all my heart. I am a believer in public service. I’ve spent the last twenty years as City Treasurer, and served for six years in the Idaho Legislature as a State Representative from this area, with two of those years in legislative leadership. I’ve served on a number of organizations and boards. I was the keynote speaker for the local Women’s History Banquet in 2007. I was a charter board member of the Idaho Hispanic Commission, and the Idaho Rural Partnership (originally called the Idaho Rural Development Council). When my kids were in school, attending East Elementary – the same school I went to – I helped start Parents and Teachers Together and served as its first president. When Mayor Don Etter wanted to look at the need for a community center, he appointed me as the Chair of what he called the Blue Ribbon Committee, the group that collected the data and started the discussion ten years ago about the need for a community center. But I don’t like all this, “I did this…I did that” stuff. The most important thing to know about me is I’m a collaborator. I believe that the best things that happen in this community happen from people, governments, and organizations trusting in each other and working together side by side.

So, clearly, the voters have the best of all possible scenarios – two people running who love the community and care about what happens here. This isn’t about who Mollie is, or who I am. It’s about what direction the district will go in the future.

No one is entitled to an elected office. You earn it through the time you put in, yes…but also through the decisions that you make. That’s where accountability happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be honest, someone needs to call attention to the fact that you being City Treasurer and running for a seat on the WECRD Board is a conflict of interest. Something isnt right about that!