Sunday, October 12, 2008

Western Elmore County Recreation District

We've waited long enough!
Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this blog and gather information about the WECRD and why I am running for the WECRD Director.

My practical plan for the future of the Western Elmore County Recreation District -
  • Lower taxes by returning to the original fee structure ($34.50 per household per year).
  • Expand the WECRD Board from 3 members to 5 members
  • Contact patrons for an update on the programs they believe offer the greatest benefit at a realistic, affordable price, review the facilities plan, and then take immediate action with no more waiting.
  • In the first 6 months a comprehensive financial assessment should be conducted to include the following 3 options:
  1. Community Center with aquatics
  2. Community Center without aquatics
  3. Recreation programs and facilities in the community
The current problem -
  • Our taxes were increased 65% in one year without a vote - a violation of public trust.
  • The idea of the Western Elmore County Recreation District was sold to the patrons on a per household fee in 2001, and then the Board switched to a property tax fee in 2007 without a vote of the public. The fee structure went from $34.50 per year per household - to a property tax levy imposed on every home and every business within the district.
  • There is no concrete business plan for the construction of a facility, operation and maintenance of the facility.
  • Current ideas and decisions are based on 10 year old survey data.
  • Aquatic center to be built with tax dollars, but will likely require a membership fee to access.

There are two ways you can vote for me as your WECRD Director -

  1. You need to ask for a WECRD (Western Elmore County Recreation District) Ballot on November 4 at your regular polling place. These ballots will not automatically be given out unless they are requested.
  2. Absentee vote by going to the WECRD office located at 140 North 3rd East, Mountain Home prior to November 4th.

I have local experience with local solutions. I have 20 years experience as the Treasurer for the City of Mountain Home, and have 6 years experience as a State Legislator for the State of Idaho. I am invested in Mountain Home and offer realistic solutions and fiscal accountability.

I urge you to contact me if you have any questions. I am ready to take action now but need your vote and support.

You can reach me at 590-4440 or e-mail at

Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Good information, thanks for the voting details. I will be sure to ask for a WECRD ballot when I vote.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I figured out how to get in here I think.
Nice website.

Anonymous said...

When you see anonymous, that's me, senior lady. I'm still new to computer usage. Sorry.

luvpolitics said...

Great "Blog" Leanna and easy to use. I love what you did. Good luck to you. You will do very well. I am glad that you plan to increase the Board. That should have been done long ago. I was also happy to see your plan for the taxes. However, I am concerned about where the "final" dollars for building will come from. This needs to be a debt free project. It must be. The tax payers of Elmore County do not need more taxes, we need less. I am very proud of you.